The Tarn Moor Estate: A grant-making charity for the general benefit of the residents of Skipton
Invitation to Apply
The Tarn Moor Estate provides grants mainly to organisations and groups with proposals of benefit to Skipton residents. Applications may be made for capital grants of all sizes and for revenue grants for educational purposes.
Grants are only approved for applications of benefit to Skipton residents. See the map of the area of benefit below – if you live within the black boundary shown on the map (the parish boundary of Skipton), or if your organisation serves or benefits principally the residents of this area, you are eligible to apply for a grant:
Grants provided recently include funds provided to Skipton Camerata for their concerts targeted at young people, funding to support a Skipton-based nursery and for local sports groups such as Skipton Cricket Club and Bowling Club. In recent years, the Trust has awarded a substantial grant for re-surfacing the all-weather pitch at Sandyland sports centre.
The charity has links with the Sylvester Petyt Trust in order to help provide funds for Skipton children and school-leavers for educational purposes, and also with Carers Resouce to help support vulnerable Skipton families. Currently, however (2022), the Trust is reviewing and updating its grants policies, and the offer of grants to individuals and students is temporarily suspended.
In respect of its provision of grants to groups and organisations, Tarn Moor Estate is a participant in the new Yorkshire Common Application Form initiative (YCAF). This aims to encourage use of a common form so local funding bodies will be asking the same questions in the same format on their forms, in order to make the application process for grant seekers easier and faster.
A copy of the application form and guidance notes may be downloaded below.
See the Guidance Notes here: Grant Application Form (Common) Guidance Notes
Download the application form here:
Grant Application Form (Common) FINAL